Will you be attending
Sharing Lunch with Cars?
It’s a picnic at Churchville park – hot dogs for lunch – and talk about cars.
If you want to let another member tryout your sports car that would be ok – that’s the “with Cars” part. The area surrounding Churchville Park has some great roads with little traffic. A great time to test drive a car. You can let others take your car out for a drive or you can drive with them. Your car – your choice.
If you put your email in I’ll let you know which shelter we will be at – they do maintenance in the spring so we’ll work around that.
It’s an opportunity for camaraderie about cars and maybe a chance to try that model you’ve always wanted to try.
When: May 19th starting at 10am
Where: Churchville Park
For: Club Members
Cost: Free. There will be a donation box.
What cars will be there – here’s the list:
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