2024 MG Car Club Western NY Centre
Valve Cover Races / Wine and Cheese Party
Noon-4:00pm Sunday March 17, 2024
Bushman Cabin
Henrietta Veteran’s Memorial Park
595 Calkins Rd. Rochester, NY 14623
Bushman’s cabin is the same familiar location as used for many years.
Bring appetizers or desserts to pass, your own place setting, wine, beer or beverage of choice. Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate will be provided.
Bring your Valve cover racer or make a new one! Valve Cover Racing is as much fun to watch as it is to race!
Come out and join the fun!
Sponsored by Heissenbergers/ Goodwins.
For more information contact:
George Heissenberger chairman@mgcarclub.com *Drink responsibly!
MGCC WNY Official Valve Cover Racing Rules
The Cars:
- The cars shall have no power source.
- All motive force is provided by gravity.
- Cars shall be based on an actual valve cover, rocker box or cam cover from an MG or other British made automobile engine.
- Wheelbase shall be no more than 24 inches.
Note: The staging lane is only 24 inches long. - Wheel Track shall be no more than 14 inches.
- Cars must have 4 wheels each, not to exceed 6 inches in diameter. Cars shall weigh 12 pounds or less.
- Car design should allow the front wheels to touch a 2-inch high starting gate. Any car changed during the race is subject to inspection
The Course:
- The course shall consist of a launch incline 8 feet long, followed by a level run of 20 feet.
- Two lanes shall divide the launch incline, each 2 feet wide.
- The incline shall be 2 feet high at the rear-most part and level with the course at the front edge.
- The front edge shall be mitered to provide a smooth transition from the incline to the run-out area.
- The official “Starting Line” shall be 2 feet from
the rear edge of the incline. - A mechanized starting gate, which is 2 inches high, shall be provided.
- The Runout section of the course shall consist of 2 lanes, each 3 feet wide.
- The lanes shall be clearly marked.
- The finish line shall be marked 20 feet from the front edge of the launch incline.
The Races:
- Cars will run in heats of 2 cars each.
- The cars are to be launched with their front wheels on the starting line.
- If your car design does not allow for this, it is at a disadvantage.
- The first car to have its front wheels cross the finish line is the winner.
- If neither car reaches the finish line, the car going further within its lane wins.
- If the wheels of a car should touch or cross over a lane marker, the car shall be disqualified.
- The competing car immediately becomes the winner.
- The winner of the round is the first car to win 2 races.
- Lanes are alternated between races. Winning cars will advance to the next round until all are eliminated but 1 car.
- Scoring is double elimination to the finals.
- A car is eliminated after
losing 2 rounds.